The easiest way to create an HTML email signature is to create your desired email signature using a free email signature generator. In the generator, input all desired information like name, company, website, and social links. When completed, export as HTML snippet. Highlight or press Ctrl-A to select all of the HTML code. Press Ctrl-C to copy. In the Mail app on your Mac, choose Mail Preferences, then click Signatures. In the left column, select the email account where you want to use the signature. If All Signatures is selected when you create a signature, you’ll need to drag the new signature to an email account before you can use it. Click the Add button below the middle column.
Send your Outlook Mac 2016 emails with style.
Create your own customized and professionally designed HTML email signature for Outlook Mac 2016 with Email Signature Rescue.
Select any of our HTML email signature templates and customize it with your own details, using our Email Signature Rescue software. No HTML knowledge needed.
Add your own contact details to the Outlook Mac 2016 signature like your name, role, company name, email, phone numbers, addresses and more.
Upload your business logo, profile images and banners, and add links to your social pages like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Over 90 social networks are included, in 20+ colors to choose from to match your business branding.
When you have finished customizing your Outlook Mac 2016 email signature, Email Signature Rescue saves your signature to your Dashboard for editing later and provides the HTML file or API Key for you to install your signature in Outlook Mac 2016, following our website's easy instructions and videos.
Or send all HTML files or API Keys to your staff, from the Dashboard and have a consistent, standardized HTML email signature installed in over 50 major email clients, for all your employees.
See our templates
Creating, Customizing and Installing your Outlook Mac 2016 Email Signature
Free Mac Software Download Sites
Create and manage all your HTML email signatures from your Online Dashboard. Login to create new signatures, duplicate signatures, delete signatures and edit signatures at any time.
Download Free Email Signature Software Mac Free
Live Preview Editor
Design and customize your Outlook Mac 2016 email signature template with our Live Preview Editor. Add your name, role, email, address, telephone numbers, images, banners, social media icons and more.
Install Email Signatures
Download our MacOS Installer App for Outlook Mac 2016 to install your email signature in Outlook Mac 2016 using your API key for yourself and all your staff. Future edits from your Email Signature Rescue Dashboard are pushed out to Outlook Mac 2016 and show automatically!
Social Media Icons
Choose from an extensive library of over 200,000 social media icons. That's 90+ social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, in 30+ colors, 8+ styles and 11 sizes.
Image Tools
Upload your own images, photos, banners and logos using our built-in image editor. Crop, circle-crop and resize images easily and add them to the Professional Email Signature Template design.
Tested Across Email Clients
We test all of our email signature templates sending to and receiving from all major email clients. Just follow our easy guide when creating your own Outlook Mac 2016 email signature template to ensure it remains looking good.
20+ Email Signature Templates
You don't just get one email signature template, you get all 20+ professional email signature templates included in our software.
7 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try the software today risk-free. If you're not happy, we offer a full refund within 7 days of purchase.
Our Outlook Mac 2016 Email Signature Designs
These are just some of the designs you can create using Email Signature Rescue for Outlook Mac 2016. Click to learn more.