Why Wont Software Download On Mac

I have download photo express mac version on my MacBook Pro and it won't open it said can't opened because it is from an unidentified developer. But I'm using there mac download so what do I. @HelenaLousie Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you're well:) As I understand the HP essential software won't download onto your Mac PC, Don't worry, I acknowledge that you've tried reinstalling it a couple of times now, however, I would suggest you follow the steps mentioned below for a clean installation. Why won't macOS Catalina install on my Mac? Posted by: Jailbreak - How To, Mac OS, MacOS, macOS Catalina Contrary to Apple's promises to ensure the most stable operation of macOS Catalina on all compatible devices, regardless of generation, only a day after the release of the update on the Web, there were a lot of complaints about the. Under Automatic Downloads, turn on or turn off Apps. On your Mac, open the App Store. From the menu bar at the top of the screen, choose App Store Preferences. Select or deselect 'Automatically download apps purchased on other Mac computers.' On your Apple Watch, go to Settings App Store. Turn on or turn off Automatic Downloads.

Why wont software download on mac os
My wife has an eMAc that has developed a problem. Any time she tries to download a file from the web, absolutely nothing happens. This is true for both Firefox and Safari and applies to any type of file (picture, game etc.) On the other hand, updates from Apple download fine and my laptop downloads fine when plugged into her cable modem. She is running the latest version of OS X and the start of the problem does not seem to coincide with any new software being installed.
Any ideas as to what might be the cause?
Mac software download

Why Wont Software Download On Macbook Pro

Cancel and restart. If you have stuck downloads in the Mac App Store or updates that won’t start.